We spent £27,500 to help good causes in our last Lions' year:

Spend 22 23


"Serving the community" describes the rationale of all Lions Clubs, and in particular the Lions Club of Fleet. Our Club responds to the needs of our local community, whether this is in the form of financial assistance, hands-on involvement or organisational skills.

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Congratulations to Petersfield Lions on an outstanding SpecTrek. A record total of 138,148 pairs of used spectacles have been collected this year for redistributing to needy people all over the world. Lion Grahame Pullen coordinates the collection for Fleet Lions and is pictured here delivering 4,000 pairs of specs donated by Fleet residents and collected by local opticians and others.

We provided 125 food parcels to help make some local peoples' Christmas a little better. Morrisons kindly loaned us part of their warehouse so we could pack them.

Packing parcels at Morrisons Dec 14crop 

And what a marvellous carol concert it was!

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We receive requests from groups, local organisations or individuals to help them either to achieve a worthwhile project, or assist them in times of hardship or disability.

There are a number of levels in which the Club and our members meet these requests, it may be in the form of a cash donation to help a local charity or service organisation purchase some vital equipment. For example a specialised bed for a Hospice, or tenting kit for a local Scout Group.

At another level it may require a number of our members helping to move furniture, or decorating the rooms of a disadvantaged local resident. Or simply taking an otherwise solitary and infirm person for a drive in the country.


  • new helmets for Riding for the Disabled
  • Mustard Seed Autism Trust, Naomi House, Phyllis Tuckwell & Sebastion's Action Trust
  • Air Ambulance
  • Rape & Sexual Abuse counselling
  • Minding the Garden equipment
  • Crondall Stepping Stones garden fencing
  • footballs for Fleet Town Girls
  • Friends of Ancells Farm play equipment & Basingbourne Park seating
  • iPads for The Source
  • seeds and equipment for Heatherside School
  • Christmas hampers and senior citizens carol concert
  • contribution to new motorcycle for Bloodriders
  • equipment for local triathlete
  • new cemetery bench
  • equipment for Duke of Edinburgh's award participants & the Guides
  • iPad for Down syndrome child
  • new furniture for waiting room of Citizens Advice Bureau 
  • bursaries for young people to carry out community service/challenges abroad and awards for those active in the community in Fleet (Lions Young Leaders in Service scheme)
  • ambulance toys
  • Lions International campaigns for Ebola orphans, Trees for Communities, Measles injections, Sewing machines for Indian widows, Nepal earthquake
  • Unicef 'Schools in a Box'
  • Local Lions funday for the less able
  • Visit to Paultons Park & canal trip on the Dawn

The Club's experience in organising and manning events is also called on by local groups and organisations to assist them in their own fundraising or charitable functions.

Whilst the prime objective of Fleet Lions Club is help within the local community, being part of a worldwide service organisation provides the Club with the opportunity to contribute to international needs. We support Lions International initiatives in fields of Sight Conservation through the funding of Eye Camps in the subcontinent of SE Asia and India, and the funding of fresh water well installations in Africa. And we recently donated £100, that with matched funding from the Loomba Foundation, will provide eight sewing machines to allow widows in India to earn a living.The international coverage of 44,500 Lions clubs ensures a local presence to oversee the correct and judicious use of all funding.

Serving the community is the reason that inspires people to become Lions, putting something back into the local community and making a difference to someone's life is the reward that our members consistently achieve.

Within the Club a Community Services Committee vets all applications and requests before submission to the Club for approval. This to ensure the validity, and to confirm that assistance cannot otherwise be obtained from Central or Local Government agencies, or specific National Charitable Organisations.


The Community Services Committee usually meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00pm at:

various locations

Business Meetings
8pm 2nd Wednesdays
The Grange, Woodland Rise, Church Crookham, Fleet GU52 6QR